Pirates Of The Amazon Add-On, 2008

Press statement: "Pirates of the Amazon" was an artistic parody, part of our media research and education at the Media Design M.A. course at the Piet Zwart Institute in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. PotA basically allowed you to use Amazon.com as interface for downloading Torrent files.

It was a practical experiment on interface design, information access and currently debated issues in media culture. We were surprised by the attentions and the strong reactions this project received. Ultimately, the value of the project lies in these reactions. It is a ready-made and social sculpture of contemporary internet user culture.

One day after publishing we received a take down request by the legal department of Amazon.com. This work was made as a trimester assignment in our study course, under the supervision of our tutor Denis Jaromil Rojo and our course director Florian Cramer.

In the Media:

A comment on Slashdot
Kevin Rose & Alex Albrecht of Diggnation discussing PotA
Screenshot of the original website
Screenshot of hacked Amazon search result

Visit Project Documentation

Further Personal Work

Social ID Bureau

Art performance. Touching the future of identification by handing out plastic ID cards for Facebook citizens - The Social ID Bureau.

FB Resistance Workshops

Hacking workshops. Altering Facebook and online identity. Teaching the basics of web technology and inspire. The Code is the Law - Let's hack it!

Fake Google Cars

Causing trouble with self-made Google Street View car in Berlin, F.A.T. project

China Channel Browser Add-on

Browse the web as you were in China and experience chinese internet censorship.

Webmarker Add-on

Mark the web and anyone can see it! The Webmarker Firefox Add-on allows you to draw or take notes on any web page.


Sculpture in the context of "Skate The Web"

Timemachine Browser Add-on

Tired of Web 2.0 Design? This Firefox Add-on warps you back to the amateur web of 1996.

Artzilla Silk Prints

Handmade silkprints for "Skate The Web" solo show in Berlin